Aged Care pathways can be challenging and even a little daunting to successfully navigate. Where to start, who to contact, what to do..? The aim of Mindfulways is to professionally assist you with simple information or to focus an outcome to suit a specific requirement. We provide a detailed service to help with all aspects of aged care support, social work and services based on years of experience within the industry and a wealth of valuable resources. With the information below, we strive to offer a clear understanding of our services and cost expectations to enable peace of mind.

Crisis Consultation

We offer an urgent home visiting service if you require urgent information and guidance regarding the safety and welfare of your loved ones. Mindfulways provides counselling and support along with information regarding supports and services. We can make referrals to services and arrange for home supports.

Examples of these services can include finding available residential care respite or in home respite services, assessing dementia support services, engaging with community supports such as home care package providers. Sometimes a crisis consultation can just be because you feel like you need answers as soon as possible because you are just treading water.

We can help, just contact us...

Fee: Initial Consultation (in home) $220 (metro area) + $120 per hour thereafter

General Social Work Services

We meet with you and discuss your personal situation. This includes completing a thorough psychosocial assessment to ensure that we have explored all available options and resources in the community that will assist you.

We can liaise with your NDIS provider to ensure you are receiving benefits that you may be eligible to receive, provide carer resources, referrals to community supports and liaise with your GP or other health provider, provide advocacy to you or your loved ones or advice on EPA, EPG, Administration and Guardianship, Advanced Health Directive information.
You may wish to seek information and simply discuss all of your options, we can help, just contact us...

Fee: Initial Consultation $220 (home, hospital or our office) and $120 per hour thereafter (metro-area)

Aged Care Assessment & Social Services

We meet with you and discuss your personal situation. This includes completing a thorough assessment to ensure that we have explored all available options and resources in the community that will assist you to remain at home in the community or enter into residential care.

This can include ensuring that you are accessing benefits and services that you and your loved one are eligible such as the Carers payments and allowances, government subsidies, in home respite, residential care respite for future planning, technology ideas and home assessments for safety.

We can arrange for ACAT referrals, liaise with your GP or other health providers, refer you for in home services, link you to support groups, information groups or take you to day centres on your first day. You might want to move in with a family member and explore services available and benefits.

You may wish to seek information and simply discuss all of your options, We can help, just contact us...

Fee: Initial Consultation $220 (home, hospital or our office) + $120 per hour thereafter (metro-area)

Aged Care Counselling & Support

Life throws some really big curve balls at us as we age and adjusting to those can sometimes be very difficult to keep a stiff upper lip and carry on. We can provide in home counselling and support to you and your family members. We are here to provide support with life's challenges and to provide an unbiased ear to discuss your future needs.

We can help support your feelings of adjustment to entering residential care and leaving your home or adapting to the changes in our physical health and wellbeing. We provide Counselling to support you and your family about which is the right choice for you along with Counselling support once you have entered residential care to provide support and strategies regarding adjustment to these changes.

We can help, We can help, just contact us...

Fee: Initial Consultation $220 + $120 per hour thereafter

Residential Care Services

Residential placement services endeavour to assist you with selecting the right service based on your personal preferences including location, family needs and finances. I can provide general information along a comprehensive service which is designed to meet different needs and financial circumstances.

Contact us to discuss your situation to determine if we can assist you or your family with further supports...

Initial Consultation: (Residential Care Entry)

  • Meet with you to discuss your needs and situation
  • Explanation of Residential care and processes involved
  • Explain the process of entering residential care
  • Discuss costs and fees associated with entering Residential care
  • Decide on type of involvement you need from myself at this meeting either from the services below or a fee of $120 per hour
  • Consultation – Starter or Premium
Fee: Initial Consultation $220 (home, hospital or our office) (metro-area)

Consultation – Starter (Residential Care Entry)

  • Ensuring that your eligible to access residential care – and if you have not had appropriate referrals assist with the referrals to an Aged Care Assessment team
  • Ensuring that you have completed all of the necessary paperwork regarding financial assets and Centrelink. (Provide copies of Permanent Residential Aged Care Request for a Combined Assets and Income Assessment)
  • Provide written and verbal information regarding the necessary steps that need to be taken to enter residential care
  • Basic discussion regarding fees and affordability in regards to your circumstances
  • Provide a booklet on assessing the quality of residential care services and to help make your decision
  • Provide you with a short list of suitable residential care facilities
Fee: $650 (home, hospital or our office) (metro-area)

Consultation - Premium (Residential Care Entry)

All of the above and the following:

  • Arrange appointments with residential care facilities (up to 3)
  • Collect admissions paperwork and assist with completing forms
  • Lodge paperwork and liaise with facilities about wait lists and keep you informed
  • Basic discussion regarding fees and affordability in regards to your circumstances
  • Negotiate accommodation payments with your chosen residential care facilities
Fee: $2200